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Earn points in ZTP ecosystem

Silk is a ZTP behind the scenes. But it's also a gateway to a universe of projects with some of the biggest technical challenges in Web3 solved: chain abstraction, cross-chain restaking, instutional security, and truly decentralized MPC.

dWallets enable ZTPs using a new cryptographic primitive called 2PC-MPC where user participation maintains Zero Trust assumptions

+20 Silk Points

+20 dWallet Points

dWallets enable ZTPs using a new cryptographic primitive called 2PC-MPC where user participation maintains Zero Trust assumptions

+20 Silk Points

+20 dWallet Points

dWallets enable ZTPs using a new cryptographic primitive called 2PC-MPC where user participation maintains Zero Trust assumptions

+20 Silk Points

+20 dWallet Points

dWallets enable ZTPs using a new cryptographic primitive called 2PC-MPC where user participation maintains Zero Trust assumptions

+20 Silk Points

+20 dWallet Points

dWallets enable ZTPs using a new cryptographic primitive called 2PC-MPC where user participation maintains Zero Trust assumptions

+20 Silk Points

+20 dWallet Points

dWallets enable ZTPs using a new cryptographic primitive called 2PC-MPC where user participation maintains Zero Trust assumptions

+20 Silk Points

+20 dWallet Points

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